Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Light and Dark

If anybody close to me is reading this know that I am fine and in good health (otherwise I would not be able to write this note!) but I have been sick again the last few days. On the exact day that the camara volunteers flew home I developed a respiratory trach infection and a fever and had to go see a doctor for treatment. I have effectively been stuck in bed for the last three days but am out and about today still a little weak but on the mend. In the time I was in bed lots of good wishes and help was provided by many of the wonderful people I have already written about in this blog. From free food, lucozade, phonecalls and bedside chats, I am extremely grateful to everyone. It makes me realise that as we give we create a safety net of care. As we take we diminish that safety net....

And whilst I was laid up something remarkable has happened. I am now completely confident that the Mombasa Digital Hub will happen and with some luck will be open this year. We convinced some local businessmen to seed fund the start-up costs of the project.

This truly is a pioneering project. It will mean that Mombasa will have a centre similar to our workshop on castleforbes road along with a significant computer training and maintenance facility that will support the 60 plus schools that have Camara computer labs in Kenya. This hub will be able to generate income from cyberservices and training and will be able to enable more schools as its capacity grows.

I am actually really proud of what we have acheived so far. Its taken a lot of hard work but it truly has come together wonderfully.

Its a wonderful concept that has emerged from our experiences, dialogues and engagements with our partners here on the ground. It is something they want, its something they have designed and most importantly it is something they know they have to sustain.

I have no idea why life has conspired to make me ill during this phase - perhaps it is symbolic of the final letting go....the final hand over to those that will truly own the project.

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